Cemal Kafadar

Cemal Kafadar is the Vehbi Koç Professor of Turkish Studies at Harvard University.

Dr. Kafadar received his PhD from the McGill University Institute of Islamic Studies in 1987 and taught for two years in Princeton's Near Eastern studies department before coming to Harvard.[1] Dr. Kafadar teaches seminars related to popular culture, hagiography and Ottoman historiography as well as the early modern history of the Middle East and Balkans,[2] and is a member of the editorial board of the Historians of the Ottoman Empire. He is a leading documentary critic and was a member of the jury of the Antalya Golden Orange Film Festival in 2009.[3]

Selected publications


  1. ^ http://www.news.harvard.edu/gazette/1997/12.04/ChairinTurkishS.html
  2. ^ http://history.fas.harvard.edu/people/faculty/kafadar.php
  3. ^ http://www.altinportakal.org.tr/